list of the top 59 universities in Switzerland

list of the top 59 universities in Switzerland.

ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
University of Zurich
University of Geneva
University of Basel
University of Lausanne
EPFL – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
University of Bern
University of Fribourg
University of St. Gallen
University of Neuchâtel
University of Lucerne
University of Lausanne (UNIL)
University of Geneva (UNIGE)
University of Zurich (UZH)
University of Basel (UB)
University of Bern (UNIBE)
University of Fribourg (UNIFR)
University of Neuchâtel (UNINE)
University of St. Gallen (HSG)
University of Lucerne (UNILU)
University of Lugano

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Central Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Bern
University of Applied Sciences of North-Western Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Fribourg University of Applied Sciences
Geneva School of Business Administration
University of Lausanne (UNIL)
University of Geneva (UNIGE)
University of Zurich (UZH)
University of Basel (UB)
University of Bern (UNIBE)
University of Fribourg (UNIFR)
University of Neuchâtel (UNINE)
University of St. Gallen (HSG)
University of Lucerne (UNILU)
University of Lugano
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Central Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of Bern
University of Applied Sciences of North-Western Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Fribourg University of Applied Sciences
Geneva School of Business Administration

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